Category / Community / L5G / Network Installation
Liverpool 5G Network Update
The Liverpool 5G project has now installed 26 5G small cells, and 72 mmWave nodes, across the project area in Kensington. The 5G small cells are sourced and configured by Telet Research, with Blu Wireless providing the DN101 & DN201 nodes used in the network. Project partners Broadway Partners are leading on the installation…
Liverpool GP Surgery Connected to Liverpool 5G Network
The first GP surgery, Fairfield Medical Centre on Sheil Road, has been successfully connected to the Liverpool 5G network, and the service is now live. The connection is part of the 5G WAN Pilot for NHS Sites use case, which is being run in conjunction with NHS Informatics. The use case aims to demonstrate how…
Liverpool 5G Health and Social Care community event in Kensington
Liverpool 5G Health and Social Care invited members of the community in Kensington, Liverpool, to learn more about the project’s innovative technologies, which support people to live at home with long-term health conditions. Volunteers with manageable conditions like diabetes have been trialling the Liverpool-designed IoT devices and apps like ‘Push to Talk’, Warnhydrate, the quizzing…
Talk to us!
We’ve been doing a number of engagement activities recently, to make sure the information people are receiving about 5G technology is relevant and easy to understand. An information afternoon took place at The Croissant of Inequality , a community café in Kensington, which was attended by the Liverpool 5G Health and Social Care team and…
Professor Joe Spencer talks about 5G technology and safety at Green Party event
Joe Spencer, one of our project leads at Liverpool 5G Health and Social Care, is also Professor of Electrical Engineering at University of Liverpool and the university’s academic lead at Sensor City. Sensor City is an innovation hub that exists to promote collaboration between University of Liverpool and John Moores University. This week he used…