The Medication Support Company
The Medication Support Company is a digital health and care provider working with community organisations to digitise medication management in care. They provide the Paman remote monitoring system, which cuts the cost of delivering medication adherence and can check the wellbeing of the service user.
The Medication Support Company partnered with the Liverpool 5G Consortium on the Liverpool 5G Health and Social Care Testbed from April 2018 to December 2019
As a partner in the Liverpool 5G Consortium, The Medication Support Company (previously Protel Health) provided Medihub devices to over 30 people who previously received daily visits from home carers to help them take medicines, via the remote monitoring system and video link. This resulted in:
- Greatly improved medication adherence levels
- Significant reduction in medication wastage and medication costs
- Reduced social care costs
- Reduced healthcare costs
- Improved quality of life for service users
You can find more detailed reports about the Liverpool 5G Heath and Social Care Testbed, the partners and the results here.