Tech UK and Liverpool 5G’s Integrating 5G into a Health and Social Care Setting Event
Liverpool 5G Health and Social Care held a joint event with Tech UK at Sensor City, Liverpool, this week to explore the challenges and opportunities arising from the integration of 5G supported technologies into health and social care settings.
Key speakers at the event included Rosemary Kay, Liverpool 5G project lead, and Professor Joe Spencer who is the academic lead for the project. NHS Digital and Digital Catapult were also represented amongst the speakers.
A round table discussion followed the speakers, as national attendees from across the digital health spectrum explored where they felt 5G technology could open up fresh opportunities for the development and delivery of health and social care services.
The group discussed remote patient monitoring, the use of real-time data in urgent responses, the potential for products like those being trialled in Liverpool to save money and valuable care service time, and connected communications as a means of bringing together groups who may otherwise face social isolation and loneliness.