Liverpool 5G Health and Social Care Testbed
Final Reports:
Other Publications
February 2020: OFCOM EMF measurements report for the Liverpool 5G 60 GHz network
July 19: How Can 5G Support the Transformation of Health and Social Care Services? Tech UK and Liverpool 5G
July 2019: “Push to Talk” Prototype Rebuild and LoRaWAN Connection Defproc Engineering
March 2019: Evaluation Report of the Developed Demo System by Yuan Zhuang and Dr. Xu (Judy) Zhu
May 2018: Liverpool 5G project overview (presentation)
Case Studies
- Liverpool 5G Health and Social Care: Developing a 5G eco system
- CGA Simulation: Co-Production
- CGA Simulation: Reducing Isolation, Loneliness and Digital Exclusion
- Defproc Engineering: Reducing Loneliness and Isolation
- The Medication Support Company: Improved Medication Adherence
- The Medication Support Company: Reducing Medication Wastage
- The Medication Support Company: Increased Independence
BluWireless overview of the Liverpool 5G network
Sensor City Liverpool 5G Showcase March 2019
Paman – Joan talks about her experience
CGA Simulation planning tool for Liverpool 5G
Liverpool 5G Health and Social Care Testbed – partners’ perspective
CGA Simulation 5G Planning Tool short tutorial