Liverpool 5G Abseil for Alder Hey
Liverpool 5G Project Co-ordinator, Bekah West, took part in a sponsored charity abseil for Alder Hey Children’s Charity on Saturday 17th July. The 150ft freefall abseil took place over the main entrance of Liverpool Cathedral.
The charity holds the event annually, and it attracts a high number of participants and spectators. Alder Hey said: “Our ambition to improve children’s health means we’re using cutting edge technology, to develop new ways to treat children more effectively. We’re not only developing new medicines and treatments, we’re also training nearly 1,000 healthcare professionals each year, who are able to learn the latest skills and techniques from some of the world’s leading clinicians and researchers.”
The focus on world-leading technologies combined with personal links to the hospital made choosing this beloved local charity an easy choice to fundraise for. Bekah said “Alder Hey does such fantastic work for so many children, it’s a privilege to contribute to their charity. Most local people know a family Alder Hey has helped, including my own, and it’s great to be involved in such a fantastic cause.”
Bekah also confirmed the 150ft drop looks a lot higher from the top! The fundraising page can be found here.